Evidence Return

Notice: Property is released by appointment only Mon-Fri 8:30am-3:30pm.
Please contact the Evidence Unit @ 678-493-4229 to schedule your appointment.

Evidence Return Information

If your property was taken as evidence pertaining to a crime, our Evidence Technicians will not be able to return those items to you until the case has been researched and approval has been granted to return the property either by the deputy, detective, or investigator or the courts. This process can take several days.


We will need to conduct a criminal history report before releasing any firearm(s). We will need the Cherokee Sheriff's Office incident number for your case, your full name, date of birth, and social security number. We must confirm you are permitted to legally possess a firearm. The firearm will also be tracked through the ATF database and through the national crime database to confirm it has not been reported stolen.

Lost Property

If you previously lost an item, you may contact the Property and Evidence Unit, 678-493-4229, to speak with an Evidence Technicians to see if your property was found and turned in. Once ownership is established, the Evidence Technician will set up an appointment for you to pick up your property.

Recovered/Stolen Property

If you have an item that was previously stolen and is now in possession of the Evidence Unit, please contact the detective assigned to your case. The detective will establish ownership of the item and inform the Evidence Unit when the item is approved to be released. Once the Evidence Unit receives the approval, an appointment can be set to retrieve your items. Please contact the Evidence Unit at 678-493-4229 Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 3:30pm.

How long is the property held?

Different types of property are held for various lengths of time. For instance, found property is held for 90 days unless it is claimed by the owner. Evidence items are held until they are no longer needed for court or the statute of limitations expires. The statute of limitations may vary depending on the seriousness of the crime. Additionally, some items can be released according to a court order or authorization from the District Attorney's Office.

Can someone other than myself pick up my property for me?

Yes. You may assign another person to retrieve your property with a notarized authorization letter and photo identification. The letter must be addressed to the Cherokee Sheriff's Office and include your case number, the name of the person you are granting permission to retrieve your property and a description of the property you are authorizing be retrieved by said party, your signature, and a Notary stamp with signature.

Can I get my property back if I am a minor?

The property will only be released to a parent or guardian who must show proof of legal guardianship.